Wednesday, May 20, 2009

end of school year

Brandon had a busy May. First was career day where Scott went to talk about being a wildland firefighter and Brandon got to show off to his class and learn about a lot of other careers. He has decided that he wants to try karate which makes sense because he is always running around pretending to do it anyway. Then he had his field trip to the zoo and the city park rides. He had fun and I went to be with him but it was ninety degrees that day so all the kids were pretty worn out. Scott took Jessie to the park to feed the ducks and play and have lunch so they had their special day. Last Friday was Brandon's first field day. He got third place at the 50 yard dash that all the kids run and they all got ribbons so that every child got at least one ribbon. The other games the kindergarten kids played was egg toss, water race and group dance. The kids didn't play for ribbons, they just got tickets for gumballs. They all had a great time. Today was graduation. The kids have a program called zoo phonics to help them learn the alphabet letter sounds. It seems to really work and they all dressed up in animal costumes and sang the zoo phonics song and then individually came up and said their sound. Brandon was "Inny Inchworm, he wore a green shirt that was supposed to be the leaves of a tree and had a big stuffed inchworm on his arm.

Then they sang the kindergarten graduation song and received their diplomas.

He is now officially a big kid and will go to school all day next school year. I can't believe it. I guess I shouldn't complain too much because I got an extra year since he missed going to kindergarten last year by a month because of the age limit. Brandon is growing up so fast. A few weeks ago he gave me one of his favorite stuffed animals saying that he didn't need it any more and maybe it would help me with my nightmares. Of course he still has blankie hidden under his pillow and the bear that Scott gave him when he was born so he isn't too big yet.
Both kids are excited about summer and all the fun things. The first thing is swimming lessons and this year Jessie is old enough to start the basic program so they will both be in the water which means I can actually watch instead of trying to keep her occupied in the bleachers for a half an hour. Hopefully Scott will be on a lot of fires this summer and will be gone a lot not that I won't miss him but we need to make up for the slow season last year. I hope this summer will be fun for everyone.

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