Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jess's Surgery

Sorry it took so long to post about her surgery. Everything went fine. If anybody has had their tonsils out recently you know what it is like but if no one has don't let anyone tell you that is it is just a simple procedure and they will up and running in a couple of days. You have to worry about bleeding and accidently pulling the scabs off the throat for at least ten days. You can't eat anything but soft foods for ten days, and especially for the first few days have to keep drinking fluids, Jessie's size four oz every hour to keep her hydrated and her fever down or they have to go back to the hospital for an IV. Try explaining to a three year old, a stubborn one at that, that you have to drink even though it hurts and you have to take the yucky pain meds to make it stop hurting. Oh and they also don't tell you until right before just when they are starting to feel better, the pain comes back and this time in your ears because the nerve is connected to the throat so your ears and throat hurt as the scabs fall off. Nothing makes a mom feel useless and like a not good mom like when your child is in pain and you can't make it go away. I couldn't even bribe her. She is finally doing better. She still has a few bad times but they are getting fewer. The worst thing is I just got her to sleep through the night a few months ago and now she is falling back into the pattern again of waking up and she wants her binky again which I just about had her weaned from now that she was sleeping through the night. Now I have to start all over hopefully not taking another three and a half years to do so. The surgery was quick and she did really well except that they wouldn't let us be with her until she was back in her room and when we got there they said she was emotional from the anethestic, it had nothing to do with the fact that she woke up in a strange place with strangers and we were no where around. that made me a little angry. Once I got to hold her she calmed down and when we took her home three hours later she was in pretty good spirits because she wasn't feeling any pain at the moment. I think she ate more that day than she had in a week. I hope this makes sense and is not jumbled, I am not used to no sleep again and Jessie is trying to hurry me up so I have to write this quickly but I wanted to let everyone know how it went.


Rebecca and Co. said...

Oh good, I'm glad it went well. I agree with you, it SOUNDS like a routine procedure but it is not. I had a foster child get tubes in his ears--not as bad as what you went through--but still, it was major!!!! Sheesh, the things our kids have to go through.

I hope that she doesn't get tired of ice cream, pudding, soup, or whatever else it is that she might like. I know I wouldn't. Haha.

Kisses to Jessie!

Mopsie said...

Finally, the update I've been watching for! Thanks for writing it. I've been wondering how she was doing. Poor little thing. It's a good thing she'll probably, eventually, forget how unpleasant it was. I'm so sorry for you, having to start over with the sleeping issues. Do the doctors have any advice about that?
Hugs to all.