Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Jessie's Birthday

Jessie turned seven on the seventh. She was at school on her actual birthday but we took her out to dinner that night since it was on a Thursday and they didn't have school the next day. Friday she got to do anything she wanted, which meant we watched princess movies. Saturday we took the kids to see GG since they wouldn't see her at the party. They were a little nervous seeing GG not acting like herself but they were fine after awhile. Then Sunday Scott's sisters came out to give their gifts. It is always fun for the kids to stretch their birthdays out for a few days. Jessie won't spend her birthday money on anything yet because she wants to save it for something special. We were exchanging a movie for her because she already had it and there was one for three dollars more she really wanted. I told her that she would have to pay the difference and she wouldn't do it. She said she didn't want to waste her money on a movie when she was already getting one, so she picked out one that was the same cost. I am not sure if she is penny pinching or just being wise.

                                         Jessie's Cinderella carriage
                                            She wanted a butterfly cake
                                          She wanted a broom set because she loves to sweep, we found a mop and broom set that was purple with peace signs.
                                             Her birthday crown
                                                Typical Jessie, you can't see it but she is barefoot
Another typical Jess, barefoot, fancy dress and making silly faces. The rest of the birthday and portrait pictures will be on Shutterfly in the next few days. She wore several different fancy dresses and had her hair done differently, but was barefoot in all. She looks so grown up in the ones she is being serious in.

1 comment:

Rebecca and Co. said...

Wow, she is growing up into such a beautiful girl! She's always been a doll. It looks like she had a fun time on her special day. I think it's great that she's frugal--what a helpful trait to have when she gets older.