Friday, June 14, 2013

Scott's fire

Scott and dad are on the Black Forest fire. They went up on Wednesday. They are on patrol making sure the fire doesn't cross fire breaks. They did manage to save two homes and some chickens. One of the homes had fire on it's deck and they were able to put it out before it did too much damage and started the house on fire. It makes me mad that people say that contractors are no good and it should be left up to the fire departments. I don't think the owners of the homes would think that of course they will never know it was contractors that save them. The boys don't do it for the glory but it hurts when we get a bad rap when they are just as qualified if not more so. Never say that one truck and three firefighter don't do any good.

1 comment:

Mopsie said...

Amen, Sister!
THEY know they do tremendous good, so that's what matters. Go CWFS!