We have started to make changes to the business to hopefully start bringing in more money. One of our firefighters got us in touch with a man who initially was just going to get us in on the 9/11 ceremony in Pueblo. When Scott met with him and explained the problems we are having, he decided to help us out. This guy does everything and knows everyone. Not only did he get us on the ceremony, we got to do an opening for a new VA clinic and Scott got to present an award to Congressman Scott Tipton. He is also getting us in touch with other people and got us turned into a nonprofit company. Now we can accept donations and eventually receive grants. We are also getting publicity and "networking". It is almost overwhelming. Right now none of this is paying but hopefully that will start changing and we will bring in work that does pay. As a nonprofit, we are now considered a volunteer fire department and can raise money to start the training facility we always wanted to. I am praying that this is the answer to our prayers and things will start changing for the better for us. I kept saying that this was our year because Scott and I have been married 13 years and while that would be unlucky for most, that should bring us luck. We haven't had a lot of good things happen to us in these past years. I was starting to give up hope that this wasn't going to be our year after all. Better late than never. Please keep praying for us that nothing happens to mess this up, we really need some miracles.

Scott and Dad taking the wreath
Coming back
Scott Tipton receiving the award
Marines, City fire, Scott Tipton and us
The city fire guard
our wreath is the pretty one on the far left
CWFS crew
Scott with Congressman Scott Tipton
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