Saturday, December 22, 2012

Goldie's blog of shame and other pics

 In case you can't read the sign it says " I got on the counter and Mommy's sugar cookies twice! I also like to steal Daddy's chair and I am not sorry at all." Don't let the look fool you. she just doesn't like having her picture taken. She has been really onery lately. It's like she has two personalities. The shy, I know you are going to beat me one, and the I don't care if I get into trouble, I will do it anyway.
 Here is when she is being sweet. Her and Socks are best buddies. You wouldn't know it to look at her that she tries to eat any other cat.
                                                      Beautiful Colorado sunset
                                   BJ being a good boy pretending to be the sweet one. This will be his second    Christmas and Goldie's first at our house.

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